General: The terms Club and
corporation both refer to the Zoomdog Agility and Sports Club.
The name of this corporation is
Zoomdog Agility and Sports Club.
SECTION 2: Purposes and Limitations
A. General Purposes:
The purpose of this corporation is
to engage in any lawful act or activity which are or may hereafter be
authorized by Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and are consistent
with those powers described in the Utah Nonprofit Corporation Act, as amended
and supplemented. Such purposes for which this corporation is formed are
pleasure, recreation, and other non-profitable purposes and are to:
1. Encourage the human/animal bond
and to promote the welfare of all dogs regardless of pedigree.
2. To promote the public good
through sports participation and recreation by conducting agility matches and
licensed agility trials under the rules of sanctioning agility organizations.
3. To promote the public good
through sports participation and recreation by conducting other dog sports
under the rules of sanctioning agility organizations.
4. Further the advancement of all
dogs in agility training and to promote an interest in, and public appreciation
for, agility trained dogs and agility competition.
5. Further the advancement of all
dogs in other sports training and to promote an interest in, and public
appreciation for, those sports.
6. Provide opportunities for
handlers to learn, train in and practice the sport of dog agility and other dog
7. Promote cooperation and good
sportsmanship amongmembers in the training and handling of dogs.
8. Promote the sport of agility for
all dogs physically and temperamentally suited to the sport, regardless of
pedigree. This corporation shall encourage all organizations holding agility
trials not to consider pedigree as a qualification to participate in the sport
of agility.
B. Specific Purposes:
1. Conduct regular training classes
for members and non-members under the direction of qualified instructors.
2. Conduct seminars and clinics
pertaining to general dog training, agility training and other training.
3. Provide educational information
regarding agility training and other matters pertaining to the welfare of dogs.
C. Limitations:
and distributions in furtherance 1.
No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of,
or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers, or other persons,
except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable
compensation for services rendered to the corporation and to make payments of
the purposes set forth herein.
2. No substantial part of the
activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or
otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not
participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of
statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office
except as authorized under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.
3. The corporation shall not carry
on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation
exempt from Federal income tax under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as
amended or supplemented (or the corresponding provision of any future United
States Internal Revenue law), or
(b) by a corporation, contributions
to which are deductible under Section 170(c)2 of the Internal Revenue Code, as
amended or supplemented.
D. Discrimination
Notwithstanding any requirements or
qualifications for membership set forth in the bylaws, this corporation shall
not discriminate against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, ageor
SECTION 3: Members
A. Classes and Qualifications
. This corporation shall have two
classes of members, designated as general members and honorary members.Any
person dedicated to the purposes of this corporation and who has submitted an
application for
membership and who has met the
requirements of Section 3 F below shall be eligible for general membership on
approval of the membership application by the Board and the General Membership
and the payment of such dues and fees as the Board may fix from time to time.
B. Honorary Members
. The Board may award honorary
membership to persons who are not active general members, but who have made
exceptional contributions to the club. Honorary members will not be assessed
dues or
fees. Honorary members shall not
have the right to vote, as set forth in these bylaws.
C. General Members
. General members in good standing
shall have the right to vote and will be considered voting members, as set
forth in these bylaws, on the election of directors, on the initiation of new
general members, on the disposition of all or substantially all of the assets
of the corporation, on any merger and its principal terms and any amendment of
those terms, on any election to dissolve the corporation, and to hold an
D. Active Members
. Members who participate for the
Club's benefit at a minimum of (4) activities during each club year are
considered to be active members of the Club.
Some examples of club activities
• Any of the (4) General Membership
meetings or (4) Board Meetings
• Agility event, each full day
equals (1) activity
• Club workday (special projects,
• Club Committee work
E. Good Standing
. Those active general members who
have paid the required dues, fees, and assessments in accordance with these
bylaws and who are not suspended shall be members in good standing.
F. Requirements for Membership
1. A candidate for membership shall
apply for membership on a form approved by the Board of Directors, which shall
provide that the candidate agrees to abide by these bylaws. Accompanying the
application, the candidate shall submit payment of membership fees and dues for
the current year.
2. The applicant will have shown a
commitment to participation in the club's activities by participating for the
club's benefit at a minimum of two club activities (club meetings, club events,
or club projects).
3. All applications are to be filed
with the Secretary, and each application is to be screened by the Membership
Committee. The Membership Committee will forward each application to the Board
of Directors
with its recommendation.
4. Each application shall be read at
the first meeting of the general membership following its receipt, and may be
submitted for a vote of the general membership at that meeting.
5. Affirmative votes of three
fourths (3/4) of the general members present shall be required to elect the
6. Candidates whose applications
have been rejected by the corporation may not reapply until six (6) months have
passed since the rejection vote was taken.
Termination of Membership
A membership shall terminate on occurrence
of any of the following events:
1. Resignation of the member, on
reasonable notice to the corporation;
2. Expiration of the period of
membership, unless is renewed on the renewal terms fixed by the Board;
3. Failure of a member to pay dues,
fees, or assessments as set by the Board by April 1 of each calendar year, or
as otherwise required by the Board;
4. Occurrence of any event that
renders a member ineligible for membership, or failure to satisfy
qualifications for membership;
5. Expulsion of the member under
Section 1 I of these bylaws, based on a good faith determination by the Board,
or a committee or person authorized by the Board to make such a determination,
that the member
has failed in a material and serious
degree to observe the rules of conduct of the corporation, or has
engaged in conduct materially and
seriously prejudicial to the purposes and interests of the corporation.
H. Suspension of Membership
. A member may be suspended, under
Section 1. I of these bylaws, based on the good faith determination
by the Board, or a committee or
person authorized by the Board to make such a determination, that the member
has failed in a material and serious degree to observe the rules of conduct of
the corporation, or has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial
to the purposes and interests of the corporation. A person whose membership is
suspended shall not be a member during the period of suspension.
I.Procedure for Expulsion or
. If grounds appear to exist for expulsion
or suspension of a member under Sections 1. G and 1. H of these bylaws, the
procedure set forth shall be followed:
1. The member shall be given 15 days
prior notice of the proposed expulsion or suspension and the reasons for the
proposed expulsion or suspension. The corporation shall give notice by any
method reasonably calculated to provide actual notice. Any notice given by mail
shall be sent by first-class or registered
mail to the member’s last address as
shown on the corporation’s records.
2.The member shall be given an
opportunity to be heard, either orally or in writing, at least five days before
the effective date of the proposed expulsion. The hearing shall be held, or the
written statement con
sidered, by the Board or by a
committee or person authorized by the Board to determine whether the expulsion
or suspension should take place.
3. The
Board, committee, or person shall decide whether or not the member should be
expelled, suspended, or sanctioned in some other way. The decision of the Board,
committee, or person shall be final.
4. Any action challenging an
expulsion, suspension, or termination of membership, including a claim alleging
defective notice, must be commenced within one year after the date of the
expulsion, suspension, or termination.
J. Reinstatement of Former Member
. Any former member, whose
membership was not terminated by expulsion or suspension, may be reinstated to
membership by payment of current dues and provided that the question of that
reinstatement be brought to a vote of the general membership at the next
regular meeting. Affirmative votes of three fourths of the general members
present shall be required to reinstate the former member.
K. Dues, Fees, and Assessments
. Each member must pay, within the
time and on the conditions set by the Board, the dues, fees, and as
sessments in amounts to be fixed
from time to time by the Board and approved by the voting members. The dues,
fees, and assessments shall be equal for all general members. The Board may
establish a membership fee to be paid by candidates for membership with the
submission of their applications for membership. The Board may also, in its
discretion, encourage participation in corporation activities by establishing a
standard, objective system of credits for contributions of time and effort to
the corporation that may be used to offset some or all of the dues, fees, and
assessments required of individual members. Such credits shall be awarded on an
equal basis for all general members.
SECTION 4: Meetings
A. Club Meeting.
Meetings of the Club shall be held a
minimum of six (6) times per year at such hour and place as designated by the
Board of Directors. Written notice of each meeting shall be mailed or emailed
or posted on the Club website by the Secretary at least 10 days prior to the
date of meeting. The quorum for such meetings shall be 20% of members in good
standing as well as a majority of the Board of Directors.
B. Special Club Meetings.
Special Club meetings may be called
by the President or by a majority vote of the members of the Board who are
present and voting at any regular or special meeting of the Board and shall be
called by the Secretary upon request of a petition signed by five Club members
in good standing. Such special meetings shall be held at such place, date, and
hour as may be designated by the person(s) authorized herein to call such
meetings. Written notice of such a meeting shall be mailed or emailed or posted
on the Club website by the Secretary at least 5 days and not more than 30 days
prior to the date of the meeting, and said notice
shall state the purpose of the
meeting; no other Club business may be transacted at this meeting. The quorum
for such a meeting shall be 20% of members in good standing as well as a
majority of the Board of Directors.
C. Board Meetings.
The Board of Directors will meet a
minimum of six (6) times per year on such day and time as agreed upon by each
new Board. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held as designated by
the newly elected at a time and place specified by such Board. Written, email
or telephone notice of such meetings shall be given at least 5 days prior to
the date of the meeting. Notice may also be posted on the Club website. The
quorum for such a meeting shall be a majority of the Board. The meeting shall
be open to any member of the Club in good standing provided he or she gives
written notification to the Secretary and/or host prior to the meeting.
D. Special Board Meetings.
Special meetings of the Board may be
called by the President or by the Secretary upon receipt of a written request
signed by at least three members of the Board. Such special meetings shall be
held at such place,
date, and hour designated by the
person authorized herein to call such meeting. Written notice of such meeting
shall be mailed by the Secretary at least 5 days and nor more than 10 days
prior to the date of the meeting. Any such notice shall state the purpose of
the meeting and no other business shall be transacted at this meeting. A quorum
for such a meeting shall be a majority of the Board.
E. Voting
1. Club Meetings. Members entitled
to vote at any club meeting shall be general members in good standing as of the
date on which the meeting is held.
2.Board Meetings. Actions of the
Board of Directors shall be voted on by the members of the Board. Such actions
will be reported to Club members at the next Club meeting.
3.Over-Ride. Any action of the
Board, except an action binding the corporation to repay an indebtedness, may
be over-ridden by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the general members in good
4. No Action Without a Meeting. No
action required or permitted to be taken by the general members may be taken
without a meeting.
5. Voting by Proxy. Voting by proxy
is prohibited.
F. Order of Business and Rules of
1. The order of business of all
meetings of the corporation and of the Board of Directors shall be as follows:
Roll Call Introduction of new
members and guests Reading of minutes and correspondence Reports of Officers
and Committees
New Members
Officers and Board (June)
Unfinished business
New business
2. The above order of business may
be altered or suspended at any meeting by the majority of the members present.
3. All order of business not
otherwise provided for in this bylaw shall be governed by the procedures set
forth in the Robert’s Rules of Order.
4. Any questions as to the interpretation
of these bylaws may be resolved by a majority vote of the general members
present at any regular meeting.
Section 5: Directors and Officers
A. The corporate powers of this
corporation shall be vested in the Board of Directors consisting of the
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Training Director elected
by the general membership as provided in these bylaws. The Past President will
serve as a voting member of the Board for one year. All shall be general
members in good standing of the corporation for at least six months prior to
being nominated. Unless waived by the Board, only one member in a family shall
serve on the Board of Directs at any given time. Other family members may serve
on standing committees. The president of the corporation shall serve as the chairman
of the Board of Directors.
1. Subject to the limitations of any
applicable law and any limitations in the articles of incorporation and
by-laws, the Board of Directors shall have power to:
a. Appoint and remove at the
pleasure of the Board all the corporation's officers, agents, and employees,
other than the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Training
Director, and prescribe powers and duties for them that are consistent with the
law, the articles of incorporation, and these bylaws.
b. Change the Principal Office of
the corporation in Utah from one location to another.
c. Adopt and use a corporate seal.
d. Call special meetings of the
e. Conduct the general business of
the corporation not otherwise provided in these bylaws, consistent with law and
the corporation's purposes and limitations.
f. Borrow money and incur
indebtedness on behalf of and binding upon the corporation, so long as the
terms and amounts of any indebtedness are entered into the minutes of the Board
and signed by the president and
secretary of the corporation.
B. Officers
1. President
a. The President shall preside over
all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors.
b. The President may call special
meetings of the Board of Directors.
c. The President shall have, subject
to approval and ratification of the Board of Directors, direction of the affairs
of the corporation.
2. Vice President
a. The Vice President shall perform
the duties of the President during his/her absence, and shall assist the
President in the performance of his/her duties.
b. Subject to approval of the Board
of Directors, the President may appoint the Vice President to additional
non-elected offices or committee chairs that might otherwise be vacant.
c. The Vice President is also the
President elect and will become the President the next year.
3. Secretary
a. The Secretary shall keep a record
of the proceedings of the meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors.
b. The Secretary shall post the
minutes of the Club meetings on the website as soon as able following the
c. The Secretary shall publish and
mail, or arrange for the publication and mailing, of all notices required by
these bylaws or by law, and shall be responsible for all other official
correspondence of the corporation.
d. The Secretary will act as the
Membership Chairman of the Club.
4. Treasurer
a. The treasurer shall serve as the
chief financial officer of the corporation.
b. The treasurer shall collect and
receive all money due or belonging to the corporation and shall give receipts.
c. The treasurer shall deposit, in
the name of the corporation, all money received in a place or places of deposit
designated by the Board of Directors.
d. The treasurer shall pay the duly
incurred debts and bills of the corporation; shall reimburse members of the
corporation who have advanced funds on behalf of the corporation, upon receipt
of proper documentation; shall handle all matters of insurance coverage for the
corporation; and shall pay out any money ordered to be paid by the Board of Directors.
e. The treasurer shall maintain
updated and complete records, which shall be open to inspection by any general
member at any reasonable time.
f. The treasurer shall be prepared
to report to the Board of Directors at each regular meeting on the condition of
the finances of the corporation.
g. The treasurer shall prepare an
"Annual Report," as required.
h. The treasurer’s accounts may be
audited by the Board of Directors at any time.
5. Training Director
a. The Training Director shall
manage and oversee the Club training program to include the development and
implementation of the training syllabus.
b. The Training Director shall serve
as the Training Committee chairman, and
c. The Training Director shall
oversee the scheduling of classes as well as arrange for qualified instructors
for those classes.
d. The Training Director shall also
be responsible for copy or writing training material as needed.
e. The Training Director, with the
assistance of the Training Committee, shall oversee the registration of new
classes, place prospective students in their proper classes, and make class
rolls for the teachers.
f. The Training Director is solely
responsible for assigning students to classes and providing qualified
instructors for each class.
g. The Training Director, with the
assistance of the Training Committee, shall keep an inventory of all training
equipment. Copies of the inventory will be given to the Treasure to keep as a
record of corporate assets.
h. The Training Director will
coordinate with the President when it is necessary to change the location or
dates of scheduled classes.
i. The Training Director will be the
point of contact for any revisions to training procedures and will present
amendments from the training committee to the Board for consideration.
. Committees
The Board may create committees of
the general membership to carry out the functions of the corporation. The President
shall have the authority to name chairpersons of each committee. The President shall
be an ex-officio member of each committee, except the nominating committee. The
following will be standing committees of the corporation:
1. Membership Committee
2. Training Committee
3. Fund Raising Committee
4. Activity Committee
D. Election of Officers and
1. The officers and directors shall
be elected by ballot at the June meeting of the members and shall serve for one
year or until their successors are elected.
a. The sitting Vice President will
become the next President
b. The Past President shall
automatically become one of the Directors. In the event that there should be no
Past President, an additional director shall be elected.
c. The term of office shall begin
immediately after election.
2. The Officers and Directors shall
be nominated in the following manner:
a. During the month of April of each
year, the President shall appoint a committee to select qualified candidates
for election to the Board and to the various officer positions.
b. The committee shall notify the
Club membership that nominations are open and the procedure for making
c. A potential candidate may be
nominated by
i. the nominating committee,
ii. being nominated by other
iii. applying for nomination
d. Nominations will be closed April
e. In May, the nominating committee
shall submit a written report to the Secretary. The Secretary shall send a
notification letter to each nominee as soon as possible. Each nominee shall
notify the Secretary in writing of his/her acceptance or refusal of the
nomination within 10 days of the date of the Secretary's
notification letter. After the 10 day period, the Secretary will notify the
chairperson of the nominating committee
of the nominees' decisions.
f. After the Secretary's report on
the nominees' acceptance of their nominations, in the event of a nominee's
termination of candidacy for any reason, if there is no nominee remaining for
an office, it shall be the duty of
the Board to nominate a candidate
for the position.
g. A list of the nominees shall be published
and sent to all general members as soon as possible after the secretary
confirms the acceptance by each nominee of his or her nomination. Additional
nominations may be submitted by email provided they are accompanied by the
nominee's acceptance of the nomination.
h. Nominations cannot be made in any
other manner than as provided in this section.
3. The nominated candidate receiving
the greatest number of votes of general members present at the June meeting for
each office shall be declared elected.
E. Vacancies
As vacancies occur on the Board of
Directors, the remaining directors and officers may immediately appoint an
individual from the general membership to fill that vacancy. The appointment
must be ratified by a majority of the members present at the next regular
meeting. The newly-appointed officer or director shall
serve until the next annual meeting.
SECTION 6: Insurance The corporation
shall have the right to purchase and maintain insurance to the full
extent permitted by law on behalf of
its officers, directors, employees, and other agents, against any liability
asserted against or incurred by any officer, director, employee, or agent in
such capacity or arising out of the officer's, director's, employee's, or
agent's status as such. The corporation shall also have the right to
purchase and maintain insurance to
the full extent permitted by law to protect its tangible assets.
SECTION 7: Records
A. The corporation shall keep:
1.Adequate and correct books and
records of account;
2.Written minutes of the proceeding
of its members, Board, and committees of the Board; and
3. A record of each member’s name,
address, and class of membership.
B. All such records and papers shall
be available and subject to inspection and copying by any member of the Board
of Directors or any general member or the director or general
member's agent or attorney, upon request, at a reasonable time and place, and
if the purpose for inspection and copying is reasonably related to the general
member's interest as a member of the corporation.
C. Every director shall have the
absolute right at any reasonable time to inspect the corporation's books,
records, documents of every kind, and physical properties. The inspection may
be made in person or by the director's agent or attorney. The right of
inspection includes the right to copy and make extracts of documents.
D. The corporation shall keep at its
principal office the original or a copy of the articles of incorporation and
bylaws, as amended to date, which shall be open to inspection by the members at
all reasonable times.
E.A reasonable charge may apply for
the photo reproduction of any records.
SECTION 8: Amendments
These bylaws may be altered, amended
or repealed, in whole or in part as follows:
A. The proposed amendment must be
presented and discussed at a regular or special general membership meeting.
B. Thirty (30) days written notice
of the proposed amendment is sent to the membership along with a designated
meeting date for voting on the amendment.
C. For the proposed amendment to
pass, it must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the general members in
good standing.
D. In case of extreme urgency, a
vote may be taken with a written notice at least ten (10) days prior to the
date of a regular or special meeting.
SECTION 9: Dissolution and
Distribution of Assets
A. Procedure for Dissolution
The corporation may be dissolved at
any time with the written consent of not less than two thirds (2/3) of the general members in good standing,
at a meeting duly called and noticed for that purpose.
B. Distribution of Assets
Upon the dissolution of the
corporation, after the paying of debts, obligations and liabilities of the
corporation, the remaining assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt
purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code,
specifically to one or more charitable organizationsfor the benefit of dogs as selected
by the Board of Directors.
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