Monday, February 6, 2012


I love dogs, but I hate that most of them shed!  Some people have the misconception that short-haired dogs don't shed very much, but if you've ever had a lab or a pointer, you know that they leaves piles of hair everywhere.

I used to be a big fan of the ZoomGroom, made by Kong, and would scoff at the pictures the Furminator has of the dogs surrounded by the hair that the brush pulled out:

But one day, frustrated by the hair that covered every inch of my apartment, and seeing that PetsMart had an awesome deal on one, I decided to try it out.  After using the Furminator, I knew I was hooked for life!


  1. I LOVE the Furminator - When I use it i swear it seems that Howser shrinks and I get the equivalent of a small dog worth of hair off of him.

  2. Lol-that's great! You know, there are places where you can send in that extra dog hair and they'll weave a sweater from it for you ;)

    1. I love my dog but the ideas of intentionally wearing my dog....... now I just find that odd. Oh the things that are available to the public. Hey, I know what to do with the extra dog hair! We could send it in to be made into sweaters for dog that have little to no hair so that they will be warm..... :o)
