Monday, June 27, 2011


Your dog's height at their withers indicates what jumping height they will compete at for agility.  The withers is located between their shoulder blades.  Here is a diagram depicting the location of the withers:

You can barely see the writing, but the dotted vertical line indicates the height at withers measurement

The table below is from the USDAA website indicating the dog's height (height at withers) and the minimum jump height that would be required in competition.
Dog HeightJump HeightLong Jump Span
12" or less12" 20"
16" or less 16"36"
21" or less22"48"
Over 21"26"60"
Dog HeightJump HeightLong Jump Span
12" or less  8"12"
16" or less 12"24"
21" or less16"36"
Over 21"22"48"

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