Friday, July 1, 2011

Fireworks and Fidos

Humans love fireworks-we love the thrill, the colors, the boom that shakes our bones.  However, I've never met a dog that looks up into the sky and says, "Jeez, that is SO AWESOME!"  At best, you're going to get a dog that is oblivious.  At worst, your dog will be cowering under the corner of your bed, traumatized  So, this Fourth of July, let your dog stay home, away from blinding, smelly, ear-drum bursting fireworks and let him chew a fabulously stuffed Kong and stay in his nice cozy crate instead.

Oh, and just for fun, I had to throw in these pictures as well!
(Caution: Do not attempt this at home!)
Picking up all channels
This isn't Cheri-but he sure is cute!

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